Dr. Frances Hoferichter
Akademische Rätin
Erasmus Coordinator of the Institute of Educational Science
Representative of Maternity Protection and Health (Mutterschutzbeauftragte)
Department of School Pedagogy
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3
17487 Greifswald
Please arrange office hours by e-mail.
"Burnout. Kann die Verbundenheit mit Mitschüler*innen in der Klasse vor Burnout und Alterungsprozessen schützen?" (Fakt der Woche, Jan, 24)
Lehrer*innenwohlbefinden Film Eindrücke aus dem Drittmittelprojekt "Lehrer*innenwohlbefinden und Studienerfolg"
SEL4@ll film Image film des EU-geförderten Projektes "Promoting well-being among European adolescents– an inclusive and digital programme to strengthen socio-emotional competencies"
Crisis as a Challenge: Challenge of a Crisis Eindrücke aus dem interkulturellen EU-geförderten Projekt zur Stärkung von Wohlbefinden während der Pandemie
Hohe Empfindlichkeit wird mit beschleunigter biologischer Alterung in Verbindung gebracht - sensitivity research (Blogbeitrag, Jun, 2023)
Lecture Series: Socio-emotional development and well-being-reflective competencies (Jun, 2023)
Greifswald Research Award 2023 for outstanding applied science awarded by Greifswald University Club
Early Career STAR Award 2019 to honor early career achievement in the science of stress research awarded by Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, and Resilience Society
EARLI SIG 22nd Neuroscience and Education Award for outstanding interdisciplinary research (2014) within the SELF-Project www.self-project.de
Mentee of the Mentoring Program for Postdocs at the University of Greifswald (January 2020- 2022) www.uni-greifswald.de/universitaet/organisation/gleichstellung/mentoring/postdoktorandinnen-und-juniorprofessorinnen/
Fellow of the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER, April 2016-2019)
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the department of School Pedagogy, Institute of Educational Science at the University of Greifswald. I received my PhD in Psychology from the Free University, Berlin and worked together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Diana Raufelder and Prof. Dr. Michael Eid (Department of Methods and Evaluation) in the project SELF (Socio-Motivational Learning Factors). I hold a Master of Education, two Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Education) as well as a degree in German as foreign language and a certificate in mediation. |
My mission is to support students to unfold their full individual potential against any odds and become responsible and creative members of society. I also support future teachers in building their resilience through interventions. |
I am interested in how both, individual and contextual aspects impact the development of youth by taking an interdisciplinary, multi-methodological and cross-cultural point of view in order to derive practical implications for schools. Also, I designed (online) interventions for pre-service teachers with the aim to strenthen their self-efficacy, stress management, and coping strategies. The aim of my research is to contribute to students’ scholastic and pre-service teachers' well-being. Particularly, I am interested in students’ creativity development, motivation, perceived stress and socio-emotional development. On these topics, I have been collaborating for example with colleagues from the University of Valencia, University of Jyväskylä, the Charité Medical University, the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF), and the University of Montréal at the Centre for Research in Human Development as well as with fellows from the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER). |
- Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
- Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR)
- European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
Reviewer for scientific journals
- Contemporary Educational Psychology
- Large-scale Assessments in Education
- British Journal of Educational Psychology
- Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
- Learning and Instruction
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Stress and Health
- International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology
- School Psychology International
- Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
- Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Journal for the Social and Behavioral Sciences and Humanities, Sage Open
- International Journal of Psychology and Counselling
- The Spanish Journal of Psychology
- The Open Psychology Journal
- Learning and Individual Differences
- Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology
Mediation, Konflikte erkennen und lösen (Blockveranstaltung) 📖
Motivation und Motivationsförderung. Theorien, Modelle und praktische Anwendungen 1 (Seminar) 📖
Motivation und Motivationsförderung. Theorien, Modelle und praktische Anwendungen 3 (Seminar) 📖
Soziale Beziehungen im Schulkontext. Wie gestalte ich die Schule der Zukunft? 1 (Seminar) 📖
Soziale Beziehungen im Schulkontext. Wie gestalte ich die Schule der Zukunft? 2 (Seminar) 📖
Soziale Beziehungen im Schulkontext. Wie gestalte ich die Schule der Zukunft? 3 (Seminar) 📖
Research interests
- school-related well-being
- stress, test anxiety, motivation, social relationships
- teacher education & mentoring processes of student teachers
- interdisciplinary & cross-cultural studies
- empirical educational research
Research projects
"Promoting well-being among European adolescents– an inclusive and digital programme to strengthen socio-emotional competencies SEL4@ll"
Cooperation Partnerships, Erasmus+
in cooperation with the Universitat de València, Universitat Politecnica de València, Università degli Studi di Perugia
„Lernen durch Engagement in der Grundschule“, Co-Teaching und Projektleitung Vertr.-Prof. Juliane Schlesier und Dr. Frances Hoferichter
in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Psychologie (Friederike Kracht, Universität Greifswald),
der Schule am Bodden und dem LdE-Kompetenzzentrum M-V
unterstützt durch die Stiftung für Ehrenamt und bürgerschaftliches Engagement in M-V, Mai 2022
"Myself as part of a diverse community"– a joint project of pre-service teachers from Szczecin and Greifswald
funded by the DAAD, Ostpartnerschaften
01.02.- 31.07.2022
"Student teachers’ well-being and academic success – a digital intervention"
Lehrer*innengesundheit und Studienerfolg - eine digitale Intervention
funded by Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
01/2021- 12/2023
"Design and evaluation of the study entry phase for student teachers at the University of Greifswald"
Design und Evaluation der Studieneingangsphase für Lehramtsstudierende der Universität Greifswald
funded by Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
01/2021- 12/2023, Dr. Sabine Schweder, Dr. Frances Hoferichter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Diana Raufelder Projekt
"Young Citizen Scientists engage in digital research-based learning"
Young Citizen Scientists machen Schule mit Forschendem Lernen
funded byStifterverband, "Wirkung hoch 100"
12/2020- 12/2021
"Challenges of a crisis - Coping strategies in cross-border teacher trainings as a contribution to stability in the region"
Herausforderung einer Krise – Bewältigungsstrategien in der grenzübergreifenden Lehrerbildung als Beitrag zur Stabilität in der Region
funded by Interreg; European Union
10/2020- 09/2021 in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Murawska (University of Stettin)
"Creating proximity and enabling networking. The social media strategy of the Institute for Education Science"
funded by University of Greifswald
09/2020- 08/2021, Dr. Frances Hoferichter & Tobias Hagedorn (Chairman of the student council at the University of Greifswald)
"Stress – human’s inner enemy? Understanding and preventing stress among adolescent students considering educational and physiological parameters"
Seed funding by the University of Greifswald
granted in 02/2018
"Reflexive processes during school internships including mentoring"
Teilprojekt Reflexive Praxisphasen, TEACHING in MV, Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung
funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
10/2018- 08/2021, Project Manager
"Innovating Teaching: Building Bridges between Science, Teaching and Schools"
funded by interStudies_2, University of Greifswald
Fellow of the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research, CIDER; funded by the BMBF, Jacobs Foundation, Leibniz Institutes
- Competence development as an educational and social process (03/2016- 03/2019)
- Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2017). Prüfungsangst und Stress. Ursachen, Wirkung und Hilfe. Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer.
Hoferichter, F. & Raufelder, D. (2023). Gelingensbedingungen für ein multiperspektivisches Mentoring im Schulpraktikum nach dem ökosystemischen Modell nach Bronfenbrenner. In D. Raufelder, O. Steinberg, & C. Retzlaff-Fürst, C. (Hrsg.), Rahmen- und Gelingensbedingungen für eine innovative, praxisorientierte und phasenübergreifende Lehrer*innenbildung. Beiträge aus der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung in M-V (S. 31–38). Opladen, Germany: Budrich. doi.org/10.3224/84742640
Volkert, U., Hoferichter, F., & Halbhuber, M. (2022). Mehrebenen-Mentoring als Chance für Empowerment und gelebte (statt gelabelte) Kooperation im Praxiskontext. In Retzlaff-Fürst, C., Driesner, I., & Krüger, A., (Hrsg.), Anregungen für Praxis, Schule und Universität: Ergebnisse, Erfahrungen und praktische Erkenntnisse der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung in MV (S. 55–68). Universität Rostock, landesweites Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung, 2022 doi.org/10.18453/rosdok_id00003629
Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Nestler, E. (2021). Konzepte und Perspektiven von Mentoring für Praxisphasen in der Lehramtsausbildung. Ein Verbundprojekt im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive LEHREN in M-V. In J. Dammerer, C. Wiesner, E. Windl. Mentoring im pädagogischen Kontext (S. 39-48) Innsbruck: Studienverlag. https://doi.org/10.53349/oa.2022.a2.120
Kulakow, S. & Hoferichter, F. (2021). Der Zusammenhang von Selbstkonzept und Grit: Grit fördern durch Lernunterstützung und Kompetenzerleben [The relationship between self-concept and grit: Supporting grit through teachers' academic and competence support]. In G. Hagenauer & D. Raufelder, Soziale Eingebundenheit: Sozialbeziehungen im Fokus von Schule und Lehrer*innenbildung (S. 299-314). Münster: Waxmann.
Hoferichter, F. & Raufelder, D. (2020). What it means to be a highly sensitive child. Associations with stress and free time. In K. A. Moore, P. Buchwald, & S. Howard (Eds.), Stress and Anxiety (pp. 111-118). Logos.
Hoferichter, F., Kulakow, S., & Raufelder, D. (2020). Die Bedeutung von sozio-emotionaler Unterstützung und akademischer Lernunterstützung für epistemische Neugier [The meaning of socio-emotional and academic support from teachers for epistemic curiosity]. In C. Rubach, & R. Lazarides (Hrsg.), Emotionen in Schule und Unterricht (S. 155-174). Opladen: Budrich.
Hoferichter, F. & Volkert, U. (2020). Das Tandem im ersten Schulpraktikum – Chancen einer Lernbegleitung [The Tandem during the first school internship - A chance to accompany learning processes]. In F. Hesse & W. Lütgert (Hrsg.), Auf die Lernbegleitung kommt es an! Konzepte und Befunde zu Praxisphasen in der Lehrerbildung (S.129-144). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt-Verlag.
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2017). Competition in class hinders scholastic well-being effects on test anxiety in secondary school students. In K. A. Moore, P. Buchwald, & S. Howard (Eds.), Stress and Anxiety (105-114). Berlin, Germany: Logos
- Hoferichter, F. (2016). Moderieren Lehrer- und Peer-Beziehungen kanadischer und deutscher Jugendlicher den Zusammenhang von Leistungsstreben und Prüfungsangst. In M. Barth & M. Rieckmann (Eds.), Empirische Forschung zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Themen, Methoden und Trends. (170-172). Schriftenreihe Ökologie und Erziehungswissenschaft der Kommission Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung der DGfE. Opladen, Germany: Barbara Budrich Verlag
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., & Schulze, A-K. (2015). Liking a teacher and what it means for adolescent girls’ and boys’ perception of stress and test anxiety. In K. A. Moore, S. Howard, & P. Buchwald (Eds.)., Stress and anxiety. Applications to school, well-being, coping and intrnet use (pp. 17-26). Berlin, Germany: Logos.
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Ein Modell inter-individueller Unterschiede sozio-motivationaler Beziehungen von Sekundarschülern mit ihren Peers und Lehrern. In C. Tillack, J. Fetzer, & D. Raufelder (Hrsg.), Beziehungen in Schule und Unterricht - Teil 3 Soziale Beziehungen im Kontext von Motivation und Leistung (pp. 170-200). Reihe Theorie und Praxis der Schulpädagogik Band 25. Immenhausen, Germany: Prolog.
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2013). The effect of peer an teacher support on the association between neuroticism and test anxiety in early adolescence. In K. A. Moore, K. Kaniasty, P. Buchwald, & A. Sesé (Eds.), Stress and Anxiety (pp. 161-169). Berlin, Germany: Logos.
Hoferichter, F. & Schlesier, J. (2024). Striving to learn and feeling well? The effects of students’ achievement goal-orientation on their psychological and physical well-being over one school year. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (ZfE). doi.org/10.1007/s11618-024-01270-3
Hoferichter, F. & Raufelder, D. (2024). Mind, brain, and education - Neuro-mechanisms during child development. Editorial. British Journal of Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12702
Hoferichter, F. & Jentsch. A (2024). The effects of an online positive psychology intervention on pre-service teachers' efficacy, ability to cope and emotional regulation. British Educational Research Journal. doi.org/10.1002/berj.4036
Attig, M., Hoferichter, F., Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R. (2024). Teaching quality and student reading outcomes: Evidence from a longitudinal study from grade 5 to 7. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 81(101347). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2024.101347
Rodriguez Buritica, J., Berboth, S., Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder D. (2024).Neural Correlates of adolescent’s self and teacher evaluation and the relationship to academic performance. British Journal of Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12667
Jentsch, A. & Hoferichter, F. (2024). Life satisfaction, psychological stress, and present-moment attention: A generalizability study. Frontiers in Psychology. Sec. Positive Psychology, 15. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1258896
Hoferichter, F., Lohilahti, J., Hufenbach, M., Grabe, H. J., Hageman, G., & Raufelder, D. (2024). Support from parents, teachers, and peers and the moderation of subjective and objective stress of secondary school student. Scientific Reports.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-51802-4
Hoferichter, F., Jentsch, A., Maas, L., & Hageman, G. (2023). Burnout among high school students is linked to their telomere length and relatedness with peers. Stress. The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 26(1). doi.org/10.1080/10253890.2023.2240909
Jentsch, A., Hoferichter, F., Seyfarth, D., & Blank, T. (2023). Ein Seminarkonzept zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens und der Stressbewältigung für Lehramtsstudierende. Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung, HLZ, 6(1), 323–336. doi.org/10.11576/hlz-6229
- Obermeier, R., Große, C.S., Kulakow, S., Helm, C., & Hoferichter, F. (2023). Predictors for academic grades: The role of interest, effort, and stress. Learning and Motivation, 82(101887). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lmot.2023.101887
- Hoferichter, F. & Raufelder, D. (2023). Biophysiological stress markers relate differently to grit and school engagement among lower- and higher-track secondary school students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(S1), 174-194.https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12514
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Hirvonen, R., & Kiuru, N. (2022). How students’ motivational profiles change during the transition from primary to lower secondary school. Contemporary Educational Psychology (accepted for publication) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102117
- Hoferichter, F., Kulakow, S., & Raufelder, D. (2022). How teacher and classmate support relate to students’ stress and academic achievement. Frontiers in Psychology. Special Section: Educational Psychology. 13:992497. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.992497
- Jentsch, A., Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., Hageman, G., & Maas, L. (2022). The relation between sensory processing sensitivity and telomere length in adolescents. Brain and Behavior.12(9)https://doi.org/10.1002/brb3.2751
- Tomczyk , S. & Hoferichter, F. (2022). Associations between social media use, psychological stress, well-being, and alpha-amylase levels in adolescents. Journal of Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, & Resilience, 1(2). 26-37. https://doi.org/10.55319/js.v1i2
- Jentsch, A., Hoferichter, F., Blömeke, S., König, J., Kaiser, G. (2022). Investigating teachers’ job satisfaction, stress and working environment: The roles of self-efficacy and school leadership. Psychology in the Schools. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22788
- Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., Schweder, S., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2022). Validation and reliability of the German version of the School Burnout Inventory. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie. 54(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1026/0049-8637/a000248
- Hoferichter, F. & Steinberg, O. (2022). An online art intervention reduces university students’ COVID-19 stress levels. Journal of Stress, Trauma, Anxiety and Resilience (J-STAR). COVID-19 Special Edition, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55319/js.v1i1
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, D., Kulakow, S., Golde, S., Gleich, T., Romund, L., Lorenz, R., Pelz, P., & Beck, A. (2021). Adolescents’ personality development – a question of psychosocial stress. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.785610
- Hoferichter, F., Kulakow, S., & Hufenbach, M. C. (2021). Support from parents, peers, and teachers is differently associated with Middle School students’ well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(5446). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.758226
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2021). Kann erlebte Unterstützung durch Lehrkräfte schulische Erschöpfung und Stress bei Schülerinnen und Schülern abfedern? Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie. https://doi.org/10.1024/1010-0652/a000322
- Raufelder*, D., Neumann*, N., Domin, M., Romund, L., Golde, S., Lorenz, R., Gleich, T., Beck, A., & Hoferichter, F. (2021). Do belonging and social exclusion at school affect structural brain development during adolescence? Child Development (accepted for publication). https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13613 *shared first authorship
- Kulakow, S., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2021). School-related pressure and parental support as predictors of change in student stress levels from early to middle adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 87, 38–51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2020.12.008
- Hoferichter, F., Hirvonen, R., & Kiuru, N. (2021). The development of school well-being in secondary school: High academic buoyancy and supportive class- and school climate as buffers. Learning and Instruction, 71(2021), 101377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101377
- Hoferichter, F. & Volkert, U. (2020). (Praxis-)Reflexion durch Mehrebenen-Mentoring in der frühen Praxisphase von Lehramtsstudierenden [(Practical) reflection through multilevel mentoring in the early phase of school internships among student teachers]. Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung - Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung, Diskussion (HLZ), 3(1), 620–636. https://doi.org/10.4119/hlz-2695
- Eisfeld, M., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2020). Wie sich Lehramtsstudierende in der Entwicklung ihres berufsbezogenen Selbstkonzepts und ihrer Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung in neuen reflexiven Praxisformaten von Studierenden in herkömmlichen Schulpraktika unterscheiden: – Empirische Ergebnisse einer landesweiten Studie in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Herausforderung Lehrer_innenbildung – Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion (HLZ), 3(1), 48-66. doi: 10.4119/hlz-2535
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2019). Mothers and fathers - who matters for STEM performance? Gender-specific associations between STEM performance, parental pressure and support during adolescence.Frontiers in Education, 4, 14. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2019.00014
- Hoferichter, F. (2019). Stressbewältigung bei Lehramtsstudierenden im Schulpraktikum.Ergebnisse zum Mentoring. Journal für LehrerInnenbildung,3, 98–104. doi: 10.35468/jlb-03-2019_10
- Bakadorova, O., Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2019). Similar but different—Social relations and achievement motivation in adolescent students from Montréal and Moscow.Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (advanced online publication) doi: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1576122
- Hoferichter, F., Bakadorova, O., Raufelder D., & Francisco, M. (2019). A comparison of Russian and Philippine secondary school students on their socio-motivational relationships in school – a motivation typology.International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 7(1), 89-101. doi: 10.1080/21683603.2018.1446373
- Hoferichter, F., Lätsch, A., Lazarides, R., & Raufelder, D. (2018). The big-fish-little-pond effect on the four facets of academic self-concept. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1247. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01247
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F. & Francisco, M. (2016). Assessing adolescents' perceptions of their relationships with peers and teachers as sources of scholastic motivation: The REMO-P - a Philippine Version of the Relationship and Motivation Scales.Philippine Journal of Psychology, 49(1), 43-72.
- Juang, L., Ittel, A., Hoferichter, F., Gallarin, M. (2016). Percieved Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Adjustment among Ethnically Diverse College Students: Family an Peer Support as Protective Factors. Journal of College Student Development, 57, 380–394. doi: 10.1353/csd.2016.0048
- Raufelder*, D., Hoferichter*, F., Pöhland, L., Golde, S., Lorenz, R., & Beck, A. (2015). Adolescents’ socio-motivational relationships with teachers, amygdala response to teacher’s negative facial expressions and test anxiety. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26(4), 706–722. doi: 10.1111/jora.12220 *shared first authorship.
- Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Eid, M. (2015). Socio-motivational moderators – Two sides of the same coin? Testing the potential buffering role of socio-motivational relationships on achievement drive and test anxiety among German and Canadian secondary school students. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1675. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01675
- Hoferichter*, F., Raufelder*, D., Ringeisen, T., Rohrmann, S., & Bukowski, W. M. (2015). Assessing the Multi-faceted Nature of Test Anxiety Among Secondary School Students: An English Version of the German Test Anxiety Questionnaire: PAF-E.The Journal of Psychology, 150, 450–468. doi: 10.1080/00223980.2015.1087374. *shared first authorship
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Ringeisen, T., Regner, N., & Jacke, C. (2015). The perceived role of parental support and pressure in the interplay of test anxiety and school engagement among adolescents: Evidence for gender-specific relations. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10826-015-0182-y
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2015). Examining the role of social relationships in the association between neuroticism and test anxiety – results from a study with German secondary school students. Educational Psychology, 35(7), 851-868. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2013.849326
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Schneeweiß, D., & Wood, M. A. (2015). The power of social and motivational relationships for test anxious adolescents’ academic self-regulation. Psychology in the Schools, 52(5), 447-462. doi: 10.1002/pits.21836
- Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2015). Development and validation of the TEMO Scale: A self-report measure assessing students’ perceptions of liked and disliked teachers as motivators. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 3(2), 97-106. doi: 10.1080/21683603.2014.966228
- Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., Eid, M., & Bukowski, W. M. (2014). Knowledge transfer or social competence? – A comparison of German and Canadian adolescent students on their socio-motivational relationships in school. School Psychology International, 35(6), 627-648. doi: 10.1177/0143034314552345
- Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Eid, M. (2014). The mediating role of socio-motivational relationships in the interplay of perceived stress, neuroticism, and test anxiety among adolescent students. Psychology in the Schools, 51(7), 736-752. doi: 10.1002/pits.21778
- Raufelder, D., Kittler, F., Braun, S., Lätsch, A., Wilkinson, R. P., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). The interplay of perceived stress, self-determination and school engagement in adolescence. School Psychology International, 35, 405-420. doi: 10.1177/0143034313498953
- Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Die vier Motivationstypen. Die Grundschule, 4, 12-13.
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Ein Modell inter-individueller Unterschiede sozio-motivationaler Beziehungen von Sekundarschülern mit ihren Peers und Lehrern. Schulpädagogik heute, 9, Themenheft "Beziehungen in Schule und Unterricht".
- Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., Hoferichter, F., & Drury, K. (2013). The person-oriented approach in the field of educational psychology. Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century, 5, 79-88.
- Raufelder, D., Drury, K., Jagenow, D., Hoferichter, F., & Bukowski, W. (2013). Development and Validation of the Relationship and Motivation (REMO) scales to assess students' perceptions of peers and teachers as motivators in adolescence. Learning and Individual Differences, 24, 182-189. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2013.01.001
- Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., Drury, K., & Hoferichter, F. (2013). Social relationships and motivation in secondary school: 4 different motivation types. Learning and Individual Differences, 24, 89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2012.12.002
- Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., Hoferichter, F., & Wilkinson, R. P. (2012). An interdisciplinary challenge: method triangulation in the field of brain development and motivation. Psychology Research, 2, 627-636.
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2012). Soziale Beziehungen in der Schule fördern , um Prüfungsängste abzubauen - eine geschlechtsspezifische empirische Untersuchung an Gymnasien. Schulpädagogik heute, 6 www.schulpaedagogik-heute.de
- Gottwald, F. (2012). Digitale Medien für Mediation nutzen. Authentische Sprachsituationen als Impulse für Mediation. Lernchancen 15 (86), 10-15.
- Juang, L., Ittel, A., Hoferichter, F., Gallarin, M. (2016). Perceived Racial/Ethic Discrimination and Adjustment among Ethnically Diverse College Students: Family and Peer Support as Protective Factors. Journal of College Student Development, 57, 380-394. doi: 10.1353/csd.2016.0048
- Presentation: Biophysiological stress and students’ outcomes, MoLeWe Seminar, University of Eastern Finland, Finland (Feb,. 2023)
- Lecture: Self-report data and objective measures in educational science, Master programme on Education and Sustainability, Course: Research Methods, University of Eastern Finland, Finland (Feb,. 2023)
- Input: Hoferichter, F. & Schweder, S. (2021). Digital research-based learning, Medienpädagogisches Zentrum, Rostock
- Keynote: Healthy students - healthy relationships. Enhancing school-related well-being by building strong social relationships, 3rd International Conference "Innovating in education for the promotion of well-being and the development of social-emotional competence", Universidad de Valencia, Spain (October, 2020)
- Keynote: School, stress, and development – The art of a stress-free learning environment, Early Career Award Recipient’s Address: Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (July, 2019)
- Presentation: The impact of social relationships on learning and development, St. Petersburg State University, Department of Pedagogics, Chair: Prof. Tatiana Galaktionova, St. Petersburg, Russia (July, 2019)
- Presentation: “Being määrittelee tietoisuuden”– The importance of teachers and peers on learning aspects. Jyväskylä University, Department of Psychology and Education, Finland (Sep., 2018)
- Keynote: Learning and achievement motivation among students: What is needed for successful learning?. Keynote at the Section School and Education, Foundation of German Business, Hamburg (March, 2018)
- Presentation: Career 2.0 – Generation Y. Future conference hosted by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin (Oct., 2018)
- Hoferichter, F., Volkert, U., & Raufelder, D. (2016). What and who do schools of educations need for innovative and sustainable teacher education?. 9. Congress of the centers of teacher education 2016 „Joint forces for a sustainable teacher education“, Rostock
Hoerichter, F. (2024). Diskutantin im Symposium Angst im Schulkontext - Operationalisierung, Einflussfaktoren und Auswirkungen in der Grundschule und der Zeit des Schulübergangs, GEBF, Potsdam
Grahl, L., Schoeps, K., Postigo-Zegarra, S., Signorelli, A., Morganti, A., Lozano-Quilis, J.-A., & Hoferichter, F. (2024). Poster Gamification at school: A cross-cultural focus group study on likes and dislikes regarding computer games, GEBF, Potsdam
Hoferichter, F. (2024). SEL4@ll: Promoting well-being among European adolescents with a serious game, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Hoferichter, F. (2023). Workshop zum Thema Emotionen und Stress im Schulkontext im Rahmen des Symposiums Können wir soziale Interaktionen, Emotionen und Wohlbefinden von Schüler:innen weiterhin ignorieren? Die Förderung von Lehrkraft-Schulkind-Interaktionen in emotional herausfordernden Unterrichtssituationen. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Hoferichter, F., Lohilahti, J., & Jentsch, A.(2023). Steigerung des Wohlbefindens und der Stressbewältigung durch eine Online-Intervention bei Lehramtsstudierenden, AEPF Konferenz, Potsdam
Steinberg, O., Hoferichter, F., Wiazewicz, P., & Murawska, A. (2023). Online-Kunst-Intervention bei Lehramtsstudierenden als eine vielversprechende Strategie zur Verringerung von COVID-19-Stress [An online arts intervention with student teachers as a promising strategy to reduce COVID-19 stress]. AEPF Conference, Potsdam
Hoferichter, F., Lohilahti, J., & Jentsch, A. (2023). Well-being and stress management increases through an online intervention with University students pursuing a teaching caree. 44th STAR Conference, Faro (Portugal)
- Hoferichter, F., Kulakow, S., & Raufelder, D. (2023). How teacher and classmate support relate to students’ stress and academic achievement. 44th STAR Conference, Faro (Portugal)
- Raufelder, D., Steinberg, O., Hoferichter, F., & Kulakow, S. (2022). Multiperspektivisches Mentoring im Schulpraktikum von Lehramtsstudierenden. 52. DGPs Kongress Hildesheim
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2022). Biophysiological stress markers relate differently to grit and school engagement among adolescents. 9. International Conference on Metacognition (SIG 16) and 17. International Conference on Motivation (SIG 8), Dresden
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2022). Kann erlebte Unterstützung durch die Lehrkraft schulische Erschöpfung und Stress bei Schülerinnen und Schülern abfedern? 9. GEBF Tagung, Bamberg
Hoferichter, F. & Hufenbach, M. (2021). Parents, Teachers, Peers – Who matters most for school students’ subjective and objective stress?, EARLI Conference Online
Kulakow, S., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2021). Parental Support and Pressure in Adolescents’ Development of Stress, EARLI Conference Online
Kulakow, S., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2021). Evaluating New Approaches in Initial Teacher Training — Mentorship programs in School Practice, EARLI Conference Online
Hoferichter, F. & Bakadorova, O. (2021). An online art intervention reduces university students’ COVID-19 stress levels, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, STAR Online Conference
Jentsch, A. & Hoferichter, F. (2021). Mathematics teachers’ job satisfaction is related to their self-efficacy and the schools’ environment, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, STAR Online Conference
Kulakow, S., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2021). How Parental Support and Pressure Contribute to Adolescents’ Stress Level, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, STAR Online Conference
Henttonen, P., Määttänen, I., & Hoferichter, F. (2021). Internal and External Validation of the Sisu scale in a German sample, Stress and Anxiety Research Society, STAR Online Conference
Symposium Discussion: On the role of motivation and emotion in school-based practical studies., (2021) Chair: C. Kuhn & G. Hagenauer; Lernen in der Praxis [Learing in Practice), IGSP Kongress, Osnabrück
Hoferichter, F., Lorenz, C.R., Romund, L., Pelz, P., Golde, S., Gleich, T., Beck, A., & Raufelder, D. (2020). How the social climate at school associates with students’ amygdala gray matter volume, XVI Conference with international participation and IX School on Evolutionary Physiology, St. Petersburg, Russia
Steinmann, I., Striethold, R., Hoferichter, F., Attig, M., & Linberg, T. (2020). Teaching quality effects on reading achievement and reading motivation: Findings from Germany, AERA, San Francisco, California
Hoferichter, F. & Hufenbach, M. (2019). The role of social support from parents, teachers, and peers for school students’ well-being. 14th Conference of Health Psychology, Greifswald
Hoferichter, F., Hirvonen, R., & Kiuru, N. Fungieren Schul-/ Klassenklima und akademische Resilienz als Moderatoren für die Entwicklung schulischen Wohlbefindens bei Sekundarschülern? GEBF Konferenz, Leipzig
Hoferichter, F., Hirvonen, R., & Kiuru, N. (2019).The development of school-related well-being among lower secondary school students: High perceived academic buoyancy and supportive class and school climate as buffers. International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) Conference, Palma (Spain)
Hoferichter, F. (2019) Supporting stress management: Mentoring for student teachers during their first school internship. International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) Conference, Palma (Spain)
Strietholt, R., Steinmann, I., Hoferichter, F., Attig, M., & Linberg, T. (2019). Does teaching effectiveness matter for reading competence? CIDER Conference, Berlin
Hoferichter, F., Tetzner, J., Jansen, M. (2019). The impact of ethnic composition on students’ learning motivation & school satisfaction – share of immigrant students & diversity at school. CIDER Conference, Berlin
- Volkert, U., Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2019). Reflexivität durch multiprofessionelles Mentoring von Lehramtsstudierenden in der frühen Praxisphase. Reflexivität in allen Phasen der Lehrerbildung - Theoretische und empirische Zugänge. Gießen (Germany)
- Raufelder, D. & Hoferichter, F. (2018). Emotionen im Lehrer-Schüler-Verhältnis und deren neuronale Verarbeitung. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Emotionen im Lern- und Bildungskontext". 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt (Germany).
- Lätsch, A., Hoferichter, F., Volkert, U., & Raufelder, D. (2018). Die Veränderung von Stresswahrnehmung von Lehramtsstudierenden während der ersten reflexiven Praxisphase. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., Lätsch, A., Volkert, U., & Raufelder, D. (2018). Schützt Mentoring vor Praxisschock? Belastungen, Selbstwirksamkeit & Kompetenzen im Schulpraktikum. 83. AEPF, Lüneburg (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., Lorenz, C.R., Romund, L., Pelz, P., Golde, S., Gleich, T., Beck, A., & Raufelder, D. (2018). How helpfulness, competition in the classroom and school belonging shape students’ amygdala volume. Psychologie und Gehirn 2018, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen (Germany).
- Volkert, U., Hoferichter, F., Lätsch, A., & Raufelder, D. (2018). Die reflexive Praxisphase & Mentoring: Pilotstudie im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung. Tagung Partnerschulen 2008 "Lehrpersonenbildung gemeinsam gestalten", Brugg-Windisch (Switzerland).
- Hoferichter, F., Volkert, U., & Raufelder, D. (2018). Reflexive Praxisphase & Peer-Schul-Mentoring im Schulpraktikum 1. Programm-Workshop im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung, Freie Universität, Berlin (Germany).
- Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2018). Die Entwicklung der Teacher & Motivation (TEMO) Skala zur Erfassung individueller motivationaler Lehrer-Schüler- Interaktionen. 26. DGfE-Kongress, Duisburg-Essen (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., Lätsch, A., Lazarides, R., & Raufelder, D. (2018). Die Rolle des Big-Fish-Little-Pond-Effect für die vier Selbstkonzept-Facetten unter Gymnasiasten/-innen. 6. GEBF Tagung, Basel (Switzerland).
- Hoferichter, F., Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2017). The motivating role of peers and teachers among Russian and Filipino students - a motivation typology. 17. Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere (Finland).
- Hoferichter, F. (April 2017). Diskutantin der Präsentation Born Teachers? Investigating the role of high school leavers' personality characteristics in predicting teachers' instructional quality a decade later, Janina Roloff Bruchmann, CIDER Spring Workshop, IPN, Kiel (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. (March 2017). Discussant of the symposium Soziale Unterrichtsfaktoren in der Adoleszenz, 5. GEBF Conference, Heidelberg (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. (Januaray 2017). Discussant of the Symposium Interdisciplinary take on grit in educational research, CIDER-LERN Workshop, Berlin (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. (November 2016). CIDER Science Slam at the Bildungsforschungstagung 2020, Berlin (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. (August 2016). Discussant of the presentation Yes, you can: Can grit be taught? Learning from a field experiment with middle schoolers in FYR Macedonia, Christian Krekel, CIDER Fall Workshop, Mannheim (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. (2016). Four motivation types among Russian and Philippine secondary school students, CIDER Fall Workshop, Mannheim (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., Volkert, U. & Raufelder, D. (2016). Was und wen brauchen Lehrerzentren/Schools für eine innovative und nachhaltige Lehrerbildung? 9. Bundeskongress der Zentren für Lehrerbildung, Rostock (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2016). Moderieren Lehrer- und Peer-Beziehungen den Zusammenhang von Leistungsstreben und Prüfungsangst bei kanadischen und deutschen Jugendlichen? 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Leipzig (Germany).
- Lätsch, A., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2016). The role of self-determination in the association of perceived stress and school engagement in early adolescence. 15. EARA Conference, LaBarrosa (Spain).
- Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., Pöhland, L., Golde, S., Lorenz, R., & Beck, A. (2016). Students’ socio-emotional relationships with teacher, amygdala response to teacher’s negative facial expressions and relation to test anxiety. In the context of the symposium „Dealing with stress and anxiety in learning settings". 37. STAR conference, Zagreb (Croatia).
- Raufelder, D. & Hoferichter, F. (2016). Profitieren neurotizistische Schüler/-innen von sozialer Unterstützung in Hinblick auf ihre Prüfungsängstlichkeit? Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Kann soziale Unterstützung ungünstigen Bildungstendenzen entgegenwirken?". 4. GEBF Tagung, Berlin (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. & Raufelder, D. (2016). Die ambivalente Rolle sozio-motivationaler Beziehungen im Zusammenhang mit Stress, Neurotizismus und Prüfungsangst bei Sekundarschülern/-innen. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Mindert Stress den Bildungserfolg bei Jugendlichen? Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse zu potentiellen Resilenzfaktoren". 4. GEBF Tagung, Berlin (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2015). The impact of peer and teacher relationships on motivation of Canadian and German secondary school students. Im Rahmen des Symposiums „Heterogenität im Kontext von sozialen Beziehungen und Lernmotivation“. 3. GEBF Tagung, Bochum (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Moderieren Lehrer- und Peer-Beziehungen in der Schule den Zusammenhang von Prüfungsangst und Leistungsstreben bei kanadischen und deutschen Jugendlichen? Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
- Golde, S., Pöhland, L, Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Die Rolle des Lehrers für Emotionsverarbeitung und Prüfungsangst unter Jugendlichen – eine neurowissenschaftliche Perspektive. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
- Rohrmann, S., Schnell, K., Ringeisen, T., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Wirkmechanismen von Selbstwirksamkeit auf selbstregulatorische Zielerreichungsprozesse und Schulleistung bei prüfungsängstlichen Schülern. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
- Ringeisen, T., Rohrmann, S., Schnell, K., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Wird Prüfungsangst bei Mädchen und Jungen unterschiedlich vorhergesagt? Eine Analyse handlungsregulativer und kognitiver Prädiktoren auf Basis der Kontroll-Wert-Theorie. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
- Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Wie adoleszente Schüler/-innen „gute“ und „schlechte“ Lehrer/-innen wahrnehmen – Ergebnisse einer qualitativen thematischen Analyse. 79. AEPF Tagung, Hamburg (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Ein Modell inter-individueller Unterschiede sozio-motivationaler Beziehungen von Sekundarschülern mit ihren Peers und Lehrern. 79. AEPF Tagung, Hamburg (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Knowledge Transfer or Social Competence? A comparision of German an Canadian Adolescent Students on their Socio-Motivational Relationships in School. 1. BIEN Jahrestagung für Bildungsforschung, Berlin (Germany).
- Hoferichter, F. (2014). Social Relationships do matter – Peer and Teacher Relationships among Secondary School Students. Summer School on empirical research on education for sustainable development - issues, methods and trends, Vechta (Germany)
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., & Schneeweiß, D. (2014). The Power of Social Relationships Within the School Setting on the Association Between Test Anxiety and Academic Self-Regulation Among secondary school students. In the context of the symposium "Test anxiety and social anxiety in children, adolescent and university students in specific evaluation contexts". 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). The buffering effect of socio-motivational teacher and peer relationships on test anxiety and achievement motivation among Canadian and German secondary school students. In the context of the symposium "Test anxiety and social anxiety in children, adolescent and university students in specific evaluation contexts". 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
- Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Schulz, A.-K., & Aguín, L. (2014). The gender-specific interplay of perceived stress, test anxiety and liking a teacher in adolescent students. 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
- Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Eid, M. (2014). Support or Dependence? - The ambivalence of socio-motivational relationships in school for the association of stress and neuroticism on test anxiety. 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
- Ringeisen, T., Rohrmann, S., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Assessing the multi-faceted nature of test anxiety in one minute: An English adaptation of the brief German Test Anxiety Inventory (PAF-E). In the context of the symposium "Coping with stress in educational settings". 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
- Golde, S., Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., & Pöhland, L. (2014). How negative emotions in teacher-student relationships predict adolescents' test anxiety - results of an interdisciplinary neuroimaging study. 3. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 22 Neuroscience and Education, Göttingen (Germany). Certificated with a price and selected for oral presentation due to the high scientific quality.
- Hoferichter, F. (2013). Social relationships and motivation in German and Canadian secondary schools: four different motivation types? Im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe "Sozio-motivationale Beziehungen im Kontext Schule in der Adoleszenz", 14. Fachgruppentagung der PAEPS der DGPs, Hildesheim.
- Hoferichter, F. (2013).The interplay of neuroticism, test anxiety and perceived stress and the mediating role of social relationships in school for adolescence . In the context of the symposium "The interplay of test anxiety, constituent variables of the self and socio-emotional factors of adolescents' school context".34. STAR conference, Faro (Portugal).
- Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2012). Persönlichkeit und Lernmotivation in der Adoleszenz. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Erfolgreich Lernen - eine Frage der Beziehung?" 48. Kongress der DGfE, Bielefeld.
- Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2012). The buffering role of peer and teacher relationships on the association between emotional instability and perceived stress in early adolescence.16th European Conference on Personality, Triest (Italy).
- Jagenow, D., Raufelder, D., & Gottwald, F. (2012). Social Relationships and its role in Achievement Motivation in Secondary School - 4 different type of learners. Neuroscience and Education, London (Great Britain).
- Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2012). Peer and teacher support and their effect on the association between neuroticism and test anxiety in early adolescence. 33. STAR conference, Palma (Mallorca, Spain).
- Gottwald, F., Jagenow, D., & Raufelder, D. (2012). The impact of indivdiual and external factors on academic achievement in early adolescence. ICP, Capetown (South-Africa).
- Jagenow, D., Raufelder, D., & Gottwald, F. (2012). Motivation and Social Relationships in Secondary School - four different types of learners. ICP, Capetown (South-Africa)
- Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., & Gottwald, F. (2012). An interdisciplinary challenge: method triangulation in the field of educational neuroscience. ICP, Capetown (South-Africa).
- Gottwald, F., Raufelder, D., & Jagenow, D. (2012). Gender specific test anxiety in the context of neuroticism and social relations in a German secondary school setting. SRA Biennial Meeting, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
- Gallarin, M., Ittel, A., Gottwald, F., & Juang, L. (2012). Family Relationships and Emotional Development in Adolescence. SRA Biennial Meeting, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
- Juang, L., Ittel, A., Gottwald, F., & Gallarin, M. (2012). Peer Discrimination and Negative Adjustment among ethincally diverse college students: do friends and family relations help? SRA Biennial Meeting, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
- Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Neue Erkenntnisse zur Prüfungsangst unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts, der Persönlichkeit und sozialer Einflussfaktoren im schulischen Kontext. AEPF, Klagenfurt.
- Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Die Bedeutung von sozialen Einflussfaktoren in Bezug auf Prüfungsangst und Neurotizismus im schulischen Kontext – ein geschlechtsspezifischer Vergleich. DGPs Pädagogische Psychologie, Erfurt.
- Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Die stabilisierende Funktion der Peergroup auf Neurotizismus im Zusammenhang mit Worry und Emotionality in der mittleren Adoleszenz - ein geschlechterspezifischer Vergleich. DGPs Entwicklungspschologie, Erfurt.
- Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Was begünstigt den Lernerfolg und stabilisiert gleichermaßen die psychosomatische Gesundheit? Erkenntnisse über die geschlechtsspezifische Wirkung sozialer Einflussfaktoren in der Schule: Ein Impuls für die Lehrerbildung. AEPF, Klagenfurt.
- Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D. & Gottwald, F. (2011). Sozio-emotionale Faktoren im schulischen Lernprozess – eine Herausforderung für die Lehrerbildung? AEPF, Klagenfurt.